
The Cultural Club has planned a series of activities aiming at achieving the club’s primary objectives and future plans. More: Historical Background”. Presented below are some of the activities that have been scheduled:

  • Outdoor entertaining and educational excursions, sports and national events, dancing parties and educational lectures.
  • Preservation and maintenance of the library’s public meeting room.
  • Communication and cooperation with Athletic Clubs.
  • Issuing, circulation and distribution of leaflets, magazines, books and other printed material promoting the Club’s activities, as well as their publication in printed or electronical media, as well as on the Club’s website. These publications will not aim at making profit and therefore they will be distributed to the members of the Club or given for free, or at a cost price. 

Club’s Mission Statement: Kato Moni Cultural Athletic Club, Chapter Α- ESTABLISHMENT – OBJECTIVES – AUTHORITIES


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